Sunday, February 22, 2009

Admit your mistake...!!!

I have always believed that there are three kinds of people in the world.

One, who does a mistake, never admits them, neither improve on them.These are offensive, arrogant and over-confident people. In the long run, these people are generally unsuccessful.

Second, who does a mistake, admits it, but never improves on it.They are humble, defensive and unconfident people. In the long run, these people live an average life, without risks.
As per me, I belong to category Second.And working on to become a part of Third category.

And Third, who does a mistake, admits it, and never repeats it. They are the leaders, who are confident as well as humble. They take risks in life and live a successful life.

Why is it so, that most of people lie in the category One?

Which category, do you belong to???


Meghal said...

gud one...n very true..let me know the source of this if possible..

Vibhor said...

ma'am these are my thoughts...

cherry said...

Admitting ones mistake is a scary process. Why would anyone want to admit their mistakes, that would make them a lesser of a human being!!! Oh my god what would the world think about a person who admits his/her own mistake...that’s absurd!!!
This is what your first category is thinking every time they realize that they have made a mistake and you are wrong about the second group, a defensive person can rarely be humble and you are not amongst them, if they realize that they have made a mistake they would never work toward even acknowledging it! Whereas you are acknowledging it on a public domain :-D don’t sell yourself short…that’s the job for the first group !