Auto Expo 2008,Delhi is the cynosure of every newspaper,news channel.You can find every one just discussing about Tata Nano, Dilip Chhabaria, Suzuki A-Star etc.It is affecting every Indian,infact everyone, globally.But no one knows that the 1st Robo Expo is also being held concurrent to Auto Expo, from 10-17 January at the Andhra Pavilion, Pragati Maidan showcasing world leaders of Robotics & Automation such as ABB Ltd, Hi-Tech Robotic Systemz, Kuka, Motoman Motherson Robotics Ltd, Panasonic, Precision Automation & Robotics India Ltd (PARI), Rhythmsoft and Rockwell amongst others.Of the 11 Robotics companies at Robo Expo, 5 are Indian companies. Let me introduce them to you,
Hi Tech Robotic Systemz Ltd. launched their indigenously developed Humanoid called NEEL at the show. “NEEL is capable of doing obstacle avoidance through stereovision and also recognizing human faces. It can interact with humans through speech”, said Mr. Deep Kapuria, managing director, Hi Tech Robotics. The company has also launched the Advance Driver Assistive System (ADAS), which would help enhance road safety, Intellicart for material handling which integrates patented VBL technology and Robotic Vision, which is a vision sensor that can be integrated into any robotic arm for quality inspection of manufacturing components.
Kuka Robotics (India) Pvt Ltd, is the only robotics company in the world supplying robots to the entertainment and medical sector. It also the only company with the highest number of robots variants, going up to 280. Their robot, "Titan" offers the highest payload of upto 1000 kgs and has figured in the Guinness Book of World Records”. It is one of the largest suppliers of industrial robots in the world.
Rhythmsoft Robotics & Automation Pvt Ltd, a fast growing company from Nashik has made its mark in Robotic automation by successfully completing turn key BIW projects “XENON” and PHOENIX” for Tata Motors along with KUKA.
Motoman Motherson Robotics Ltd, is showcasing DUAL ARM 13 AXIS Robots at the Robo Expo. This Robot can bring automation one step closer to human performance.
Precision Automation and Robotics India (PARI), is inviting visitors to take the “golf challenge” against their Golfing Robot. This robot plays golf with an accuracy of up to 97%. The idea is to demonstrate the accuracy of PARI systems while the visitors have some fun.
According to industry estimates, 2008 onwards, the world market for industrial robots is projected to rise by an yearly average of 4.2% going up to 139,300 units in 2010. In India the industry is expected to grow at 2-2.5 times the global average.
So those who think robotics is synonym to Japan, should reconsider.By being a step ahead, these Indian companies have given the robotics industry a much needed push.They have shown to the world that Indian robots match their global counterparts.
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