What a Life!!! Life full of fun.
But if you will spare your eyes away from friends, you could see a promotional screen in most of the McDonalds. Many advertisements are shown in the screen from movies to websites.
Just a glimpse to it, and I read,"Visit www.fight-back.net".
It created a curiosity in my mind.What is this fight-back? I waited for that advertisement to repeat.And I saw something special, something of my interest.
I rushed back home,browsed the website and I was impressed! It was something which I always wished to do.
www.fight-back.net is website made to reduce gender-biasness,especially any form of female harassments. This website includes detailed information regarding helpline no.s, legal resources and forum for discussion. It teaches you how to file complaints against any form of harassment, gender biasness.
"FIGHT-BACK is finally your movement. It will take the shape that you give it. Use it like a tool box, a rallying cry or a shield against violence. Woman, man or child, gender violence has to end."
Moreover, it also includes Hall of Shame which includes name and stories of famous cases, their convicts and other relevant information. So if you want to read something about Priyadarshini Mattoo, or Manu sharma, go this website. Moreover, this website is linked to Facebook also.
This websites is really relevant for women, as they can acquire more knowledge, and they can be more alert, smart, proactive. We need our women counterparts to fight-back against any type of harassment. It may be eve-teasing, rape, molestation or something else.
So friends, go to this website, read, and spread awareness!!!
Such initiatives should be praised.
As when it comes to morality, we should always be a step ahead.